Field Marketing – Experiential Marketing & Brand Activation

Field Marketing – Experiential Marketing and Brand Activation

Promoting your brand and building a relationship between your company and your customers often requires professional face to face engagement. Sales Partnerships can help.

  • Brand activation – often acquiring a customer is just the first step. Helping the customer fully utilize your services requires professional sales work working hand in hand with support. Sales Partnerships can handle any level of this process to help you make these customers as profitable as possible. Educating the customer while staying on-point to your message and goal is important. We deliver this through rigorous and targeted step by step engagement with customers to optimize their experience with you.
  • Experiential marketing – sometimes your brand needs specialized promotion at events. Sales Partnerships can provide teams supporting in person events ranging from trade shows and conferences to large public events. Our experiential marketing teams are trained in your products and services, immersed in SPI’s sales training, and utilize strategic solutions to promote your brand while gathering detailed metrics regarding everything they encounter.

Let us deploy a team of the best people to promote your brand with the face-to-face interactions that it deserves. We can bring your message to the market.